Tools and Resources to Help Guide Your Clients

To and Through Retirement®


With virtual, online meetings becoming the norm, we have created this resource center complete with meeting guides, virtual resources and a library of presentations and corresponding invitation templates to help you plan, conduct and maximize your virtual meetings.

What is a 403(b)?

What is a 403(b)?

Virtual Meeting Guides and Resources

These materials have been developed to help you and your clients get the most of your virtual meetings.

Optimize Your Meetings

We have created this guide helps you prepare for and get the most out of your meetings.

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Plan Your Meetings

There are common elements to a successful virtual meeting. This guide provides some best practices.

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Invite Your Guests
Virtual Meeting Invitation

This invite is designed to replace those on-site meetings. Set up a virtual meeting with a link to let education professionals join the meeting during a specific time period. If they join the meeting and you are currently meeting with someone else, simply place them into the virtual waiting room until you are free to help them.

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 Download Your Guide

Record and Market Your Meetings

This guide provides some best practices on how prepare and conduct virtual meetings, along with helpful tips to market your meetings, even after the event. 

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 Download Your Guide

Meeting Backdrops

Download and use one of our branded backdrops to give your virtual meetings a professional look.

Logo Mark Backdrop

Background for virtual meetings with Security Benefit logo mark step and repeat

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Full Logo Backdrop

Background for virtual meetings with full Security Benefit logo

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Logo Mark Backdrop

Background for virtual meetings with large Security Benefit logo mark

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Presentations and Invitations

Here, you will find a hand-picked selection of key presentations, along with corresponding invitation templates for your virtual meetings. 

Women and Money

Women face unique financial challenges. This presentation highlights those challenges along with possible solutions to address them.

Invitation icon Download Invitation Template

Webinar Presentation icon Download Webinar Presentation

Retirement Challenges for Women

This presentation covers obstacles to retirement savings while identifying the opportunities unique to women as they save for retirement.

Invitation icon Download Invitation Template

Webinar Presentation icon Download Webinar Presentation

Helping Aging Parents Adapt to Change

As parents age, they become more vulnerable to a variety of risks—financial, physical, and emotional. As adult children, you want to protect them. This seminar explores several aspects of caring for aging parents and identifies issues that can impact their well-being as well as your own.

Invitation icon Download Invitation Template

Webinar Presentation icon Download Webinar Presentation

Life Stages Investing

This presentation guides webinar attendees through the concept of long-term investing while addressing retirement income sources, gaps, and the potential impact of Social Security and healthcare decisions.

Invitation icon Download Invitation Template

Webinar Presentation icon Download Webinar Presentation

Financial Essentials

Core questions around retirement options, why your clients' decisions matter and how they can take action are addressed in this presentation. This presentation is available in general and state-specific versions.


Invitation icon Download Invitation Template

  Presentation Icon   NATIONAL
Charting the Course Forward

Complexities around economic stimulus and regulatory changes along with volatility in the stock market can lead to anxious clients. This presentation helps you chart their path through the noise.

Invitation icon Download Invitation Template

Webinar Presentation icon Download Webinar Presentation

NEA Retirement

NEA Member Benefits and Security Benefit have partnered to create customized materials to be used with NEA members.

You must be signed in to Access these materials only available to NEA-approved partners.


My Security Benefit Mobile App

My Security Benefit Mobile App

Your Security Benefit retirement plan clients can view, track, and manage their accounts with on-the-go access. Find this video, along with additional resources including Client Emails, Social Posts and Frequently Asked Questions at our Mobile Application Resource Center.

Apple Store Google Play

Clients with a personal retirement account with Security Benefit (including a 401(k) or IRA), will have access to the view account information on the mobile app. However, if you need to view your book of business for your practice, please continue to sign in to




Services are offered through Security Distributors, an indirect subsidiary of SBL Holdings, Inc. (Security Benefit).

SB-10011-78 | Rev 2021/07/02