Contributing to a SIMPLE IRA FAQs

Contributing to a SIMPLE IRA

A Security Benefit SIMPLE IRA offers you turnkey sales support to reduce your administrative workload, while providing your small business clients an easy way to provide a retirement plan for their employees. Not only are SIMPLE IRAs, well simple, they are inexpensive and straightforward to set up.

  • No cost to establish
  • No government forms to file
  • No annual reporting
  • No non-discrimination testing
  • Pretax salary deferrals 
  • Minimal employer involvement

Below are some frequently asked questions. You can find more on SIMPLE IRA FAQs Overview, Establishing a SIMPLE IRA, and Rollovers and Distributions. Visit our SIMPLE IRA page to learn more about the Security Benefit SIMPLE IRA.


Security Benefit, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and their respective employees and representatives, do not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice. Any statements contained herein concerning taxes were not intended as and should not be construed as tax advice, nor should they be used for the purpose of avoiding federal, state, or local taxes and/or tax penalties. Please seek independent tax, accounting, or legal advice. 

Services are offered through Security Distributors, an indirect subsidiary of SBL Holdings, Inc. (Security Benefit).

SB-10042-14 | 2023-12-05