How much will I need to save for retirement?

There are many factors to consider when you ask yourself how much you need to save for retirement, and whether or not you will have enough money in retirement. 

Factors such as your current lifestyle, salary, years remaining before retirement, health, and spending habits can all affect the amount that you need to save. 

It is important to plan now, even though your plans may change, and unexpected events may occur along the way. A little planning now can have a positive effect on your retirement savings down the road. We have provided a simple calculator below to help you get started, but it is important to have a financial professional review your plan on a regular basis. 

Meeting with an independent financial professional to help you perform a gap analysis can also help you determine prior to retirement whether or not you have any possible gaps in your retirement strategy. 

Contact your financial professional for your gap analysis report

Services offered through Security Distributors, an indirect subsidiary of SBL Holdings, Inc. (Security Benefit).