Plan Reports for Employers

Security Benefit offers online plan health reports for employers using our SFR, SecurePoint, and Workplace Retirement (CS) products. 

Our Goal is Simple:

We want to create the opportunity for everyone to pursue financial well-being. And we believe that having access to plan information is essential to helping you and your employees pursue that financial well-being. 

Employers can access their plan’s quarterly health report as soon as it is posted to their plan’s website

Benefits and solutions of the Security Benefit plan health report:

plan comparison benchmark

  • Data-driven insights to help identify changes that may improve your plan participation and plan design
  • A benchmark visual to help you rank your plan features against similar plans
  • A quarterly asset and participation comparison to help illustrate growth or decline in participation
  • Demographics to show participation, average account balance, and average contribution by age, compensation, tenure, and gender
  • Loan information which will detail the number and balance of outstanding loans by participant age groups
  • Investment allocations by participant age group, as well as high level transaction activity by investment

loans by participant age groups

We encourage you to take advantage of this tool on a quarterly basis — to review your plan’s health and to determine if an updated strategy might be necessary to improve its participation or design.

If you have questions or require additional online access for another plan representative, please contact our Service Center at 800.747.3942. 

Services offered through Security Distributors, an indirect subsidiary of SBL Holdings, Inc. (Security Benefit).

Neither Security Benefit Corporation nor its affiliates are fiduciaries. This information is general in nature and intended for use with the general public. For additional information, including any specific advice or recommendations, please visit with your financial professional.