Do I need to register for website account access?
If you are a current website user with an existing user name and password, you will not be required to create a new registration. Upon signing in to the website, you will be prompted to reset your password. Upon successfully resetting your password, you’ll be able to select security questions and determine if you want to use email, a text message delivery, or a voice call for two-factor authentication to provide an extra layer of security ensuring that you’re the only person who can access your account.
If you have not signed in to the site within the last year, or are new to Security Benefit, simply complete the process to register for account access. Follow these steps to register with
My name includes a suffix, should I enter that as part of my registration process?
No. Including suffixes as; Jr., or Sr. are not needed and will not work when you sign in. Please use your first and last names in the appropriate fields.
Why am I being prompted to change my password?
With the redesign and revised navigation on, for enhanced security, we are taking the opportunity to have each registered site user establish a new password and re-establish their online credentials (including validation of existing email address) with us.
Can a current password be used if it meets all the new requirements?
No. All users will be required to establish a new password upon first sign in to
What are the password requirements?
A password must contain at least 8 characters, at least 1 number, at least 1 lowercase letter, at least 1 uppercase letter and does not contain part of the username.
Why am I being asked additional security questions?
For the security of your online information as well as keeping access to your personal and confidential account information available only to you. We have included additional security questions to validate online access, and multi-factor authorization to provide an enhanced level of security as confirmation when signing in to the site the first time on a device.
Will I have to enter a verification code every time I sign in?
No. you will have the option to indicate the device you’re using should be trusted and to not require a verification code each time you sign in as long as you’re using the same device that allows the site to identify your computer as a trusted machine. Should you need to sign in via a different computer than you originally used to establish your online access, for your security, we will send a verification code to the device you set up in your profile to complete the sign-in process.
How do I change how I will receive my verification code?
Simply navigate to, sign in with your user name and password, then go to "My Profile" in the top navigation bar to access the "Edit My Profile" selection in the dropdown menu to make changes to how you receive a verification code. You can choose between an email, a text message to your cell phone, or a voice call to any working phone number you choose.
What if the email address listed on my account is wrong? How do I get my verification code?
We make every effort in the registration set up process to have you confirm your information before it is securely stored for use. Should you inadvertently enter your email address incorrectly, or you need to change it, simply call our Service Center at 800.888.2461, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday, to have your email address updated and a new verification code sent to you. When you request the email address to be updated, you will need to provide the following:
- Your first and last name
- Broker-Dealer
- A sample client contract number
How do I change my information for my online account?
Simply navigate to, sign in using your user name and password, then go to My Profile in the top navigation bar to access the Edit My Profile selection in the dropdown menu and make changes. Please note that any changes made to the profile on only affects the profile information on the site and does not affect financial account information. See the next question for more information about changing account information.
Will joint (team) representatives be able to register for website access?
Joint /Team accounts are linked to a single master number in our database, so one user will be able to register per team account for access. If the second member of the team requests access, they will need to register as a new Financial Professional and the request will be manually reviewed for authorization.