Considering how RateTrack® Annuity can complement your clients’ portfolios?
Here are a few advantages:
- Potential to receive higher interest rates automatically as rates rise during your client’s contract Guarantee Period
- Interest that compounds tax free until withdrawal1,2
- Ability to access a portion of the funds without penalty3,4
- Ability to access some or all of the money in a health emergency3,4
- Death benefit
How does RateTrack® Annuity work?
RateTrack® Annuity launched in March 2016 as the industry’s first floating rate annuity. This annuity is closely tied to the 3 Month CME Term SOFR Reference Rate.
During the RateTrack® Annuity’s Guarantee Period (5 or 7 years), interest is calculated and credited on the combination of a fixed interest rate — the Guarantee Period Base Rate — and a floating rate based on the 3 Month CME Term SOFR Reference Rate.

How has RateTrack® Annuity helped Owners?
Check out how a combined, complementary approach can maximize savings with protection of principal and no market risk. Our Security Benefit laddering strategy can help your clients have the best of both worlds — a MYGA with a competitive rate and a floating rate annuity, RateTrack® Annuity, that can help them take advantage of rising rates automatically.
For more information about RateTrack®, call our Sales Support Team at 800.747.5164, option 3.
1Withdrawals are subject to ordinary income tax and, if made before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% penalty tax.
2Each Guarantee Period has its own surrender charge schedule. Early withdrawals in excess of the free withdrawal amount are subject to a surrender charge unless the withdrawal is pursuant to the Nursing Home Waiver or Terminal Illness Waiver.
3Nursing Home Waiver is not available in CA and MA, and Terminal Illness Waiver is not available in CA and NJ. Other state variations may apply.
4After the 3rd Contract Anniversary, any request to waive surrender charges must be made on forms provided by Security Benefit Life Insurance Company (SBL) and must be accompanied by a physician's statement. Refer to the contract for details. Not available in all states.